Please note that standard shipping times range from 8 to 10 days from the dispatch date. While we aim to meet these delivery estimates, there may be unforeseen delays due to external factors beyond our control, such as courier issues or local disruptions. In extremely rare circumstances, deliveries may take up to 15 days.
If your order has not arrived within 15 days, we kindly ask that you contact us as soon as possible. We will investigate the situation promptly and work with our couriers to ensure your delivery reaches you as soon as possible.
For international orders, shipping typically takes between 10 and 16 days from the dispatch date. However, please be aware that due to varying customs processes, local postal service delays, or other logistical factors, deliveries can occasionally take longer. In some rare instances, deliveries may take up to 24 days.
If your order has not arrived within 24 days, please get in touch with us immediately, and we will look into the issue. We will work closely with our logistics partners to resolve any delays and ensure your order reaches you as quickly as possible.
We understand how frustrating delays can be, and we are committed to providing prompt assistance should any issue arise with your delivery. Your patience is greatly appreciated, and we are here to help throughout the process.